Body, Mind, Spirit

A Sister's Prayer
Sacred Sister, rise gently with Grandfather Sun and give thanks to the Creator for the new day. Acknowledge yourself as a sacred creation of the Divine. Give thanks.
All Life Is Sacred; Treat All Beings With Respect
The place to start with this Native Wisdom is with the self. Love for self is the key and the foundation for all other love that comes after. Beliefs have the power to set the course of action for our souls. Do you see yourself as sacred and treat yourself with respect?
Be Brave, Be Smart, Be Kind!
In Traditional Native America, our children are treasured as sacred beings. In ancient times it was our beloved Elders who nurtured and taught our littlest ones. Our children grew into balanced individuals in accordance with the laws and ways of nature and the Creator.
Challenge Ancient Hatred
In and around Indian Country, discriminatory attitudes and behaviors still flourish and the time is past due to challenge these issues in order to protect future generations. Actions that demean any person or group cause irreparable damage. Here are some guidelines on how to make a difference.
Cherokee Proverb on Inner Turmoil
“Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today.” - Cherokee Proverb.
The same can be said about tomorrow. Keeping our thoughts tied up regretting what happened yesterday or worrying about what might happen tomorrow does indeed use up too much of today.
Diabetes – Healing From Within
The wisdom of our ancestors tells us that the keys to physical health, emotional stability, and mental clarity are found any time we remember we have a constant connection to spirit.
Do What Needs to Be Done for the Good of All
Concern for the highest good of all was a virtue that helped our Ancestors thrive and was a concept that served as the backbone to tribal society. Our regal Chiefs of the past believed that personal achievement that would assist the whole were acts worthy of adding a Coup Feather to one’s Bonnet.
Elk Medicine
Our Ancestors realized the wonder and value of nature. They looked to nature as a great teacher. We are taught that nature speaks to us if we listen. The secrets of life are revealed among the behavior of animals, the creativity in flower blossoms, and in the whisperings of the trees.
Fire Water – The Spirit of Bondage
Fire Water is a term our ancestors used to describe the potent whiskey and rum introduced to them by European traders. The word alcohol originates from the Arabic word for spirit, “al-kuhl.” In Middle Eastern folklore, the al-khul is the name of a ravenous, body-eating spirit.
Follow the Rhythms of Nature
Our Ancestors recognized the prolific value in studying nature. In doing so they realized that following and trusting the rhythms of nature leads to balance, health, and prosperity.
Great Spirit – Opening Heart & Soul
Opening one’s heart and soul to the Great Spirit was a life-giving principle our Ancestors lived by. It is possible to reactivate this standard of living in Spirit by developing our trust muscles.
Health Care To Native Americans [offsite link]
National Library Of Medicine
Medicine for the Spirit – Seeking Balance
Medicine refers to anything that will help a person feel more connected to and in harmony with the Creator, nature, and all life-forms. Medicine is based on the deep understanding that man is part of nature and health is a matter of balance.
Medicine of the Self – A Path to Moving Beyond Ego
Who are you? What is your truth? These are tough questions to answer. However, if we are courageous enough to do the work required to find the answers we are rewarded with the sense to find and follow our own paths. Native American wisdom can help heal and guide us along life’s precious journey.
Micro-aggressions - Cowboys and Indians
The era in American history known as the Wild West sometimes conjures up images of fighting between cowboys and Indians. Centuries later the battle still rages, in some areas, but this time on an invisible battlefield.
Micro-assaults – New Responses to Old Attitudes
With the Great Spirit as our Guide we can translate and transmute these acts of fear into truths that can bring healing and closure to an era of hate. The journey from victimhood to victory takes place along the path of courage.
Micro-insults – “Excuse me, are you the maid?”
Subtle insults and stunning nonverbal interactions occur frequently out of deeply rooted ignorance and old habits. However, as Indigenous People certain experiences hold the spiritual power that provides an opportunity for us to step away from victim consciousness and to change our perspective.
National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse [offsite link]
American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Diabetes: Publications, links, and resources of the NDIC
Native Teen Suicide and Online Social Networks
What is it that makes our precious Native young people believe there is no possibility of help? Whatever it is, our young ones are the most vulnerable to its curse as they have the highest suicide rates. Two points surface regarding suicide among our youth and the influence of social networks.
Power Place - La Push, WA USA
Certain locations allow us to connect with these magnificent forces and become strengthened by the hand of our Creator. Sacred places and landmarks were chosen for vision quests, prayers, or rituals. One such power place is along the rugged coastline of the Pacific Ocean in Washington State.
PTSD and Native Communities
As a race, the Native population in North America has experienced an unusual amount of trauma. The results have been very clear emotional, physical, and behavioral responses to this trauma. From a spiritual perspective, PTSD can be viewed as negative energy trapped in the body.
Purification- 3 Steps Closer to Spirit
Native Americans knew the value and purpose of purification not only of the physical body but of our spiritual selves as well. Before any Native American ritual or ceremony took place it was necessary to cleanse and purify the mind, body, and spirit of impurities and toxins.
Sacred Words
Our ancestors were taught scripture as they were converted to Christianity after assimilation into Anglo-Saxon ideology. The wisdom found in the words of proverbs such as these aligned with the traditional Native wisdom of our grandfathers; speak the truth.
Sage - Earth's Healing Gifts
Mother Earth was seen as nurturing and healing and the People believed in her Medicine and were led to it. Native healers used plants and herbs to aid in the healing of mind, body, and spirit. Sage is one example.
Spirit of a Child
Little hearts, be healed, your innocence restored. Our sacred young ones continue to be born into extreme social disadvantage. Negative patterns, set centuries ago, are evident still today. But hope shines and healing can be found as we rediscover and appreciate the spirit of a child.
Spirit of Forgiveness
Guard your soul, oh precious one, especially if you have been hurt before, especially if you have a warrior’s heart. The harder our shell, the easier we shatter. Deep within the abyss of pain lie the roots of what was planted long ago.
Spirit Path - Honoring Ourselves
As we go about our busy lives we often become overloaded with obligations. It’s just part of life right? We can look to Native American philosophy to help us prioritize these obligations.
Spiritual Revolution!
Joined in spirit, regarding sacred matters, we have the power to create a supernatural phenomenon!
Spiritual Warfare in Indian Country
Mass deliverance is possible on Indian Reservations across North America. The Great Spirit is speaking this truth to many different People in many different places around the United States and Canada. The unleashing of weapons of mass deliverance is being felt throughout Indian Country.
Spiritual Warfare – Coaching to Retrieve the Soul
Spiritual Coaching enables an individual to examine their own heart and soul for answers. The unclaimed or shattered mind is an invitation to the realm of darkness. The cleansed and opened heart is a portal to the supernatural realm of light. Turn towards hope, seek goodness, light appears.
Struggles Of Today's Native Americans
Lack of education and educational materials are seriously affecting our Native American youth. Suicide rates are far too high. Open your hearts, eyes and ears and listen to the calls for help.
Suicide in Indian Country
This topic is one that is extremely difficult to think about and even harder to discuss. Our Native youth commit suicide more than triple the rate of other young Americans, according to federal government figures.
Suicide is a Spirit – Message for Native Youth
Precious Young Bloods, suicide can be seen as the refusal to see another way out of what seems to be a hopeless situation. May these words bring the light of hope, the promise of life’s possibilities, and the map that leads to paths of freedom.
Teen Suicide in Indian Country
This topic is one that is extremely difficult to think about and even harder to discuss. Our Native youth commit suicide more than triple the rate of other young Americans, according to federal government figures.
Today's Native American Teenager
Problems Native American teenagers and their families face today.
VAWA - Republicans Fail the Daughters of the Earth
Native American women suffer some of the highest rates of emotional turmoil and are among the least cared for in this nation. Congressional failure can be seen as the beginning of a spiritual battle for the first American women.
Vision Quest
Imagine yourself embarking on a vision quest. With an intention to be aware of the sacred nature of traditional culture, the vision quest can be used as inspiration in contemporary times.
White Bison´s Wellbriety Movement [offsite link]
Recovery, Alcohol, and Substance Abuse Resource Links
Wisdom Keepers
It helps us to understand that we are the keepers of the wisdom of our ancestors, that we can access this wisdom through the gates of an open heart. Our ancestors knew that we can enter these gates with thanksgiving and praise. In order to do that we have to know who we are in the Great Spirit.
Wisdom to Impart
Wisdom to impart is a very special gift. Each one of us has spiritual gifts that we offer to others around us. As we take a moment to consider what our experience has taught us, we soon realize that we are wise spiritual beings. What is your most heartfelt advice? What is your legacy?
Words from the Spirit
“It does not require many words to speak the truth.” Chief Joseph, Nez Perce (1840-1904)
Natives have experienced first-hand the nearly irrevocable damage that hateful words can cause. There is hope that we can turn this around by joining together and healing our souls.
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