For Further Reading

An Animated History of Books
Celebrate books with this terrific site from the BBC.
Authors' Summer Reading Lists
Get ready for summer with this great reading site!
Explore this "Awesome" site with fantastic education sites.
Bat Webquest
Go batty over bats with this webquest. Let your students soar through learning, while having a screeching good time.
Books for Soldiers
Do you have books that need a good home? Pass them on to soldiers serving around the world.
Books That Change Lives
There are many books on the market and in the library. But some of them have the power to change your life or your outlook on it. Here are some of my favorites.
Children's Literature From South Africa
Look across the ocean to this terrific site from South Africa!
Children's Literature Web Guide
Check out this great children´s literature website!
Colonial Art Webquest
Due to budget cutbacks many schools have lost their art teachers. While nothing can replace these talented teachers, we can use webquests to encourage art appreciation.
Computer Practice Sites
Do your patrons need to improve their computer skills? These sites will allow patrons of all ages to to learn and practice computer skills.
CyberChase -- Entertaining Education
The CyberChase website is as fun and educational as the series. The site is an asset to teachers and students alike.
Fraud of the Rings
Do you enjoy The Lord of the Rings? Do you have a sense of humor? Then you will love this comic strip!
Free Magazines For Your Library
Incredible as it sounds, you can get free subscriptions for your library.
Free Survey Sites
When setting up a poll or surveying your patrons there are many free, online services to meet your needs.
What´s with boys? Why won´t they read? Explore the site that tackles this tough topic.
Help With the Fair Debt Collection Act
Our reference desk highlights help for patrons seeking information to stop harrassing creditors.
International Children's Digital Library
Hundreds of full text children´s books are now available on-line.
Internet Research Lesson Plan
A lesson plan that teaches students about the problems with Internet research.
Librarian Humor
Featuring some of hte best websites available! Visit a site dedicated to putting the joy and humor back into librarianship.
Make a Snowflake Website
Forget the paper mess, make a virtual snowflake at this terrific site.
Memorial Day Resource
Memorial Day isn´t just a day off from work or school. It is a time to reflect on the sacrifices made by others for our freedom.
Money Sites for Students
These sites are helpful in developing math skills.
National Women's History Project
The Library Sciences site for March celebrates women´s history.
Paper Plate Education
This great site uses paper plates to introduce complex concepts. Paper plates, they're not just for picnics anymore!
Picture Puzzles
Looking for fun activities to stretch minds? Try these Rebus and picture puzzles.
PowerPoint In The Classroom
More and more students are required to use PowerPoiint for assignments. Teachers love PowerPoint to add pizazz to lesson plans. This site provides clear instructions on how to get the most out of the program.
Readers Advisory Ideas
One person cannot possibly read everything that would be of interest to a library's patrons, but with these ideas, great readers advisory services are a sure thing.
Reading Literary Fiction
Literary fiction, the term freezes the blood of those who had bad experiences with it, but it doesn't have to. Here are a few titles that are classified as such that were very fun to read.
Ready Reference for Neurological Disorders
Looking for a good resource for ready reference on neurological disorders and their treatments? This one may be just what you're looking for.
Searching for Extraterrestrial Life
Use your screen saver to search for intelligence with SETI.
Summertime Favorites - Summer Reading Lists
The NEH has put together lists of books for great summertime reading.
The Demonologist by Andrew Pyper, A Review
Colombia University Professor and specialist on Milton's Paradise Lost finds that evil can exist in the real world as well as within the pages of the famous poem.
The Internet Public Library
This library combines the power of librarians with the accesibility of the Internet.
Use Your Library's Computers To Fight Cancer
Instead of idling sitting, your computer's can assist researchers in finding a cure for cancer.
Victorian London - Books and Activities
An upper elementary/middle school walk through Victorian London.
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