
2010 Color Trends for Floral Design
I'm glad to put 2009 behind me and begin not only a new year but a new decade. 2010 brings its own color trends.
A Rich Array of Citrus
With so many kinds of fruits available during the fall and winter months, it is sometimes hard to choose ones for floral design.
All-Star Cut Flowers for 2008
Those with cutting gardens will be delighted with two new Fleuroselect Gold Medal winners for 2008.
While amaryllis bulbs are typically forced for the Christmas holidays, these can also be grown in cutting gardens during the summer.
Amaryllis as Cut Flowers
While amaryllis bulbs are typically forced for the Christmas holidays, these can also be grown in cutting gardens during the summer.
Angelonia and Other Award Winning Cut Flowers
During the last year or so a number of outstanding cut flowers have received various honors. Here are highlights for some of those.
Award Winning Coral Bells as Cut Flowers
Floral designers can choose from many award winning flowers. These include some wonderful coral bells.
Award Winning Cut Flowers for 2009
There are a number of cut flower varieties that performed very well during cut flower trials in 2008. These plants would be good choices for cutting gardens.
Award Winning Cut Flowers for 2011
A number of flowers received various honors for 2011. Some of these make great cut flowers, including the Pink Cloud hibiscus.
Award Winning Dianthus for Cut Flowers
A number of dianthus are award winning varieties. Choose these for cut flowers and for cutting gardens.
Award Winning Echinaces and Rudbeckias
During the 2010 growing season a number of plants received various kinds of awards. Among these were some wonderful echinaces and rudbeckia cut flower varieties.
Award Winning Echinaces for Cut Flowers
A number of echinaces are award winning varieties. These make great cut flowers.
Award Winning Eustomas as Cut Flowers
If you're shopping for the best possible cut flowers and varieties for your cutting garden, look for award winning varieties, such as these eustomas or lisianthus.
Award Winning Flowers for 2007
Each year the Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers honors two plants. One is named the fresh cut flower of the year, while the other is selected as the dried flower.
Award Winning Hydrangeas and Gaillardias
Choose the best cut flowers around. These are often award winning plants, such as the panicle hydrangea.
Award Winning Lavender and Hydrangea
Among the top performing cut flowers for 2010 are a number of wonderful varieties. These include some delightful Engish lavenders and Limelight hydrangea.
Award Winning Marigolds for Cut Flowers
When it comes to choose flowers for your cutting garden, the award winning marigolds deserve a chance.
Award Winning Roses
Several rose varieties were selected as regional winners by the All-America Rose Selections. These varieties are ideal for cut flowers.
Award Winning Roses
There are a number of wonderful award winning roses that make great cut flowers. These include Easy Does It.
Award Winning Roses for the Mountain States
Several award winning roses are ideally suited to the mountain states. These varieties make great cut flowers.
Award Winning Roses for the Southwest
Several award winning roses are ideal for the Southwest. These varieties make great cut flowers.
Award Winning Rudbeckias for Cut Flowers
There are a number of exceptional rudbeckias or black eyed susans. These make great cut flowers.
Award Winning Shrubs for Cut Flowers
Many kinds of shrubs have stems that can be used as cut flowers. Among these are award winning bloodtwig dogwoood and aucuba.
Award Winning Zahara Double Zinnias
There are a number of zinnias that are great for cut flowers. These include award winning ones like the Double Zaharas.
Baby's Breath Pink and White
Whether used as a fresh or dried stem, baby´s breath remains a favorite flower.
Basil and Campanula Award Winning Flowers
Whether you buy all your cut flower stems or grow some in your cutting garden, you can choose form a number of award winning varieties.
Best Roses for the Southeast and Northwest
When selelcting rose plants for the cutting garden, the regional award winners are an excellent choices. There are regional winners for the Northwest and Southeast.
Blue Glitter Sea Holly
Blue Glitter sea holly was named cut flower of the year for 2008 by the Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers.
Book Reviews for Floral Designers
Flower arrangements are an integral part of an interior decorating scheme. With that in mind, here are reviews of two books that will be of help to floral designers.
Cleome and Other Award Winning Cut Flowers
When shopping for cut flowers and plants for the cut flower garden, you won't go wrong with award winning varieties, such as the spider flower.
Color for 2009 Floral Designs
With the state of the economy we can all use a boost. Put some cheer into your life with color this winter. Floral arrangements are the perfect way to accomplish this.
Color Trends for 2007
Nothing stays the same year after year, and that goes for color as well as other consumer trends.
Coronation Gold Yarrow Flower of the Year
One of the fernleaf yarrows was chosen as the dried flower of the year for 2009.
Creating Topiaries
Topiaries are among the most traditional of the floral design styles. These are suitable for any type of home decor.
Cures for the Winter Blahs
Don´t let the winter blahs get you down. Do something about it.
Decorating Bird Cages
Bird cages can serve as the ideal container for floral designs.
Designs Are More than Flowers
Flowers are by far the most popular kind of materials we use in floral design. However, there are many other non-flowering things that are commonly available. Let´s look at some of those.
Dyed and Painted Flowers
When flower lovers tire of seeing the same color in flowers year after year, dyes and paints come in handy.
Easy Care Cutting Gardens
A lot of floral designers are interested in having a cutting garden, but have limited time for this endeavor. When that is the case, the solution is to create an easy care cutting garden that requires minimal attention.
Environmentally Friendly Cut Flowers
Consumers have more choices than ever when it comes to cut flowers. Now you can even buy organic flowers.
Ethylene and Vase Life of Flowers
Many factors can affect the vase life of flowers. One of those is ethylene.
Floral Design Ideas for Valentine's Day
There are many ways one can celebrate Valentine's Day. Here are some floral design ideas for this special holiday.
Floral Design Tips for Beginners
Floral design is all about creativity and following your intuition rather than following rulles.
Floral Ideas for Spring
When spring fever hits, its time to create some seasonal floral designs.
Floral Trends
Fads are short-lived, while trends mark long-term changes in our floral buying habits.
Flowers for May Day
The sweetness of spring is most evident in May. May Day is all about enjoying flowers and the beauty of nature.
Flowers of Shakespeare
Sometimes there´s a need for special kinds of floral arrangements. For a Shakespearan theme, here are some ideas.
Flowers on a Budget
Even if you´re on a tight budget, there are ways to make flowers more affordable.
Fragrance in Flowers
Typically, when someone receives some flowers, the first thing he/she will do is smell them. Unfortunately, a lot of cut flowers lack fragrance. Here is why that is the case.
Fragrant Spring Flowering Bulbs for Cut Flowers
Fragrance is a desirable trait in flowers with some of the spring flowering bulbs noted for their pleasing scents.
Fresh Floral Wreaths
Try some non-typically shaped floral designs this yeaer. Experiment with some fresh flower wreaths.
Fun in the Kitchen with Floral Designs
Let's look at some floral design ideas that would be suitable for kitchens and dining areas.
Gaillardia and Other Award Winning Cut Flowers
Select the best cut flowers for your florarl designs. Therre are a number of award winning varieties from which you can choose.
Garden Catalogs for Cutting Gardens
When it comes time to shop for flower seeds and plants for the cutting garden, mail-order catalogs differ greatly in what they offer.
Globalization in the Flower Industry
Globalization touches every part of our lives. Floral design has certainly not been the exception to the trend. This has already had tremendous impact on the floral industry in the last few decades and will continue to do so.
Gomphrenas and Other Award Winning Cut Flowers
With so many kinds of flowers available, it can be hard to choose. Consider award winning varietie when planning your cutting garden.
Gomphrenas as Cut Flowers
The globe amaranths are a great choice for cut flower gardens. These plants are easy to grow, and require very little care.
Handcrafted Gifts
If the summer heat gets you down, create some handcrafted gifts with floral themes for loved ones.
Hardy Bulbs for Cut Flowers
Whether you grow them in your cutting garden or just cut stems from ones you have in flower beds, hardy bulbs have a lot to offer as cut flowers.
Herbal Bouquets for Summer
Try something different this summer instead of the usual floewrs. Why not replace some of the flowers you would ordinarily use with some freshly cut stems of herbs?
Herbs for Tussie Mussies
Tussie mussies are an old fashioned kind of floral arrangement that is making a comeback.
Highlights from Cut Flower History
Now many millions of people have access to affordable, fresh flowers throughout the year. This wasn´t always so. Here are some highlights from cut flower history.
Hydrangeas as Cut Flowers
Flower lovers can´t get enough of the hydrangeas. These have become some of the all-time favorites for summer floral designs.
Ideas for Holiday Gifts
Holiday gifts need not be expensive in order to be meaingful.
Lilies and More Lilies for Cut Flowers
In addition to the true lilies, there are other plants known as lilies that make great cut flowers.
More Award Winning Flowers for 2010
Choose the best cut flowers around. The best choices are award winning, top performing varieties.
More Garden Catalogs for Cutting Gardens
This continues a tour of garden catalogs that will be of special interest to floral designers.
More Herbs for Tussie Mussies
This week we look at some additional herbs that can be used in tussie mussies to express specific sentiments.
Moss For Year-Round Floral Designs
Moss arrangements are timeless floral designs. These can be used year-round. Various kinds of mosses are available.
New Annuals for Cut Flowers
Each new year brings new ideas for floral designs. This year there will be a number of new cut flower varieties.
New Calla Llies and Coreopsis for Cutting
There are both hardy perennials and annuals that are suited to cutting gardens. Here are some new recommended varieties for 2011.
New Coreopsis for the Cutting Garden
Coreopsis stems are often used for summer bouquets. Here are some wonderful new varieties for the cutting garden.
New Delphiniums for the Cutting Garden
For 2010 a number of new delphinium varieties will be available. These are perfect for cutting gardens.
New Echinaceas and Gaillardias for Cut Flowers
For 2011 you can choose from many new kinds of echinaceas and gaillardias for your cutting garden.
New Flower Varieties for Cutting Gardens 2008
Each year brings new exciting varieties for the cutting garden. Here are some new offerings for 2008.
New Flowers for the Cutting Garden
For 2009, a number of fine flower varieties will be available. Some of these will be especially suitable for cutting gardens.
New Inca Lilies and Anthuriums for Cutting
For 2011 floral designers can choose from many new cut flowers. These include some delightful Inca lilies or alstroemerias and anthuriums.
New Perennials for Cut Flowers
Of the new perennials for 2009, a number of these make wonderful cut flowers. These include the following.
New Perennials for Cutting Gardens
Many kinds of perennials make wonderful cut flowers. The following kinds are recommended for cutting gardens.
New Yarrows and Inca Lilies for Cutting
When planning your cutting garden, do include some yarrows and Inca lilies. A number of new varieties are available.
Peonies and Other Top Performing Cut Flowers
Choose outstanding flowers for your floral designs. You can't go wrong with award winning varieties.
Pomegranates for Floral Design
Throughout the fall and winter months, many kinds of fruits appear in supermarkets. A number of these are suitable for floral design. One of the most striking is the pomegranate.
Pow Wow Echinaceas for Cutting Gardens
One new group of echinaceas proved to be outstanding in 2010. These are the Pow Wow series, which makes great cut flowers.
Purple and Pink Blooms
My favorite color is purple, and in that respect I´m very lucky. There are so many kinds of purple blooms available. Mix and match those with pink ones, and you have a match made in heaven. There is something so divine when these two colors are combined.
Queen Zinnias as Cut Flowers
Zinnias are among the very popular summer cut flowers. These are easy to grow in cutting gardens. Here are some recommended award winning varieties.
Regiional Rose Winners for the Northeast
If you're choosing roses for your Northeastern cutting garden, check out the All-America Rose Selections regional award winners.
Regional Rose Winners
The All-America Rose Selections has named a number of rose varieties as regional rose winners. These include Lady Elsie May and The Fairy.
Ribbon Book for Floral Designers
Various how-to craft books can be helpful to floral designers. Here is one on ribbons that belongs in every floral designer´s library.
Rose Book Review
Despite all the newer kinds of flowers, roses remain one of the all-time favorite cut flowers. There's an exciting book on roses and their names.
Rose Book Review
Rose lovers all over the world are sure to treaasure this delightful hardcover on Australian roses and the women for which they are named.
Russian Sage and Other Top Performing Cut Flowers
When it comes time to select plants for your cutting garden, the best choices are award winning ones, such as Russian sage.
Sage and Other Award Winning Cut Flowers
During the past year or so a number of plants that are used for cut flowers received numerous awards. Among these were some sages as well as other varieties.
Salal-a Very Useful Foliage Plant
Some of the various kinds of foliage used in floral design have become staples in the trade. That´s been the cae with some ferns like leatherleaf, and also for salal.
Seed Catalogs for Cutting Gardens
With the 2009 gardening season approaching, the seed and garden catalogs will soon be available. Here are some recommended ones for those with cut flower gardens.
Some Award Winning Flowers
There were a number of award winning cut flower varieties in the recent year or so. Here are highlights on a few of those.
Some Award Winning Roses
When choosing roses for cut flowers, you won't go wrong with award winning varieties.
Some Classic Roses for Cutitng
Among the modern roses are several wonderful varieties that make perfect cut flowers.
Some Fall Fruits for Floral Designs-Part I
Fall is a time of plenty. We don´t have to look far for ideas and suitable floral materials. There is a rich abundance of fruits and berries at this time of year. Let´s look at just a few of these. This will be the first of a two-part series.
Some Fall Fruits for Floral Designs-Part II
This article is the final one in a two-part series on fruits and berries for fall designs.
Some Fragrant Bulbs for Cut Flowers
Fragrance is a wonderful thing in cut flowers, which gives us even more reason to grow fragrant flowering bulbs in our cutting gardens.
Some New Cut Flowers
For the cutting garden in 2010 consider some of the new cut flower varieties.
Some New Echinaceas for the Cutting Garden
Choose wonderful echinaceas or coneflowers for your cutting garden. A number of varieties are new this year.
Some Roses for Cutting
There are many varieties of roses for cutting. Prospero and Green Ice Miniature are two excellent choices.
Some Spring Flowering Bulbs for Cut Flowers
In the spring, there are many kinds of spring flowering bulbs that make great cut flowers. Here are a few to consider.
Some Summer Bulbs for Cut Flowers
During the early summer months many kinds of bulbs that are suitable as cut flowers begin to bloom.
Some Woody Cut Flowers
Flowers for floral designs can come from many sources, including woody plants. Here are some shrubs that offer great cut flowers.
Swan Plant as a Cut Flower
As a cut flower it is hard to beat the swan plant. These are suitable for all sorts of floral designs.
Table Flowers Book Review
Floral designers are going to love this new book by event planner Karen Bussen. This title makes planning a party so easy.
Tablescapes Book Review
Floral designers will find "Tablescapes-Setting the Table With Style" to be a very helpful book.
Tender Bulbs for Cut Flowers
Among the tender bulbs grown as annuals are some that make great cut flowers.
The Best Roses for the Northwest
When it comes time to choose roses for your cut flower garden, check out the regional award winners chosen by All-America Rose Selections.
The Brigadoon and Broadway Roses
If you're looking for wonderful rose varieties for the cutting garden, you won't go wrong with Brigadoon and Broadway roses.
The Chrysler Imperial Rose
An award winning variety, this classic hybrid tea has long been recommended as a cut flower.
The Crimson Glory Rose
Among the easiest roses to grow the Crimson Glory is a wonderful cut flower. This is a classic hybrid tea.
The Language of Flowers
With Valentine´s Day coming up soon, this is a good time to look at the meaning of flowers.
The Queen Elizabeth Rose
The Queen Elizabeth rose is one of the most beautiful roses for cut flowers.
The Tiffany and Mirandy Roses
When it comes to choosing roses for cut flowers, the Tiffany and the Mirandy roses really stand out from the crowd.
The Tropicana Rose
The Tropicana rose makes a wonderful cut flower. This is a great variety for cutting gardens.
Tiger Eye Gold Rudbeckia
Tiger Eye Gold rudbeckia is the most exciting cut flower in a long time.
Tips for Cutting Gardens
Spring brings a new season to the cutting garden. Here are some quick tips that will help you grow lots of cut flowers.
Touch of Class Rose
It is hard to beat the Touch of Class rose and the Voodoo rose when it comes to choosing cut flowers.
Trendy Green Flowers
Green flowers are becoming very trendy. Here are some green blossoms and pods to consider.
Why Buy Flowers?
There are both practical and aesthetic reasons to buy flowers. Here are just a few.
Winter Floral Design Ideas
As we enter a new decade much of the country is in a deep freeze. For this season I like to use winter-themed floral designs.
Wonderful Cut Rose Varieties
For delightful cut flowers you can count on All That Jazz rose and Climbing Blaze rose.
Woody Cut Flower of the Year
The Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers selects a woody cut flower of the year. For 2009 they chose Hydrangea Hamburg.
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