**African-American Culture News Headlines**

44th President Barack Obama
A three part look at the Inauguration of President Barack Obama. As much hope and expectations that exist for the 44th President, people are reminded that it is going to take time for things to change. We did not get into the state we are in overnight, and it’s not going to be changed overnight.
A New You in the New Year
We all have done it…you know…made those familiar new year resolutions. But how many of us have actually kept those resolutions? If you want a new you this new year; if you want your life to be better than it was the year before, and the year before that, you are going to have to work at change.
Affects of Extreme Poverty
In 2008, the estimated number of people living in poverty was 39.8 million. Now, it is believed that in only two short years, that number has nearly doubled because of the harsh reality and devastation of the economic downturn.
African American News [offsite link]
Blacknews.com...News stories covering the life of African Americans, and Black America.
African-Americans in the 2012 Olympics
While others were flaking about the gymnast’s hair; she herself was setting goals, achieving goals, creating records, and doing the impossible. She rose to the occasion. All the hard work paid off, and Gabby Douglas can defiantly say: she knows the price of Gold.
Black Children and Foster Care
While researching the ins and outs of foster care, it was well noted the high rate of African American children that enter the foster care sytsem, the longevity of their stay, and the difficulty of placing them or having them adopted. Educating oneself is key to helping...
Black Life and Responsibility
We have read all the statistics concerning poverty in the Black community. As well as, the marriage statistics, the number of black children in foster care. You do not need anyone to tell you that times are hard. Who is responsible for all that is going on? What can be done?
Black Lives Matter
These past weeks of peaceful protests has proven that we have the power to make a difference in our communities, our families, our nation and worldwide. Don’t just sit and wait for a change. Become the change you want to see, by first believing and knowing that YOUR Black life indeed matters.
Black Pastors And Obama's Re-Election Campaign
With less than two months to Election Day, a group of Black pastors have rallied an anti-Obama campaign, encouraging their congregants not to vote for Obama, and some, not to vote at all. The root of this campaign based upon Obama's support of marriage equality.
Black Rage or Black Exasperation
Is it Black rage or Black exasperation at the continued vitriol and injustice of the unfair treatment of African-Americans? Is it really 2015, or have we some way traveled back in time to 1965? There is need for reform. Not just concerning police, but policy and government.
Bring Back Our Girls
As the fight continues to bring back the 276 young women to their families, it is imperative to understand that the same atrocities have been taken place here in America. Bring Back Our Girls is a global message.
Combatting Bullying
October has been earmarked to highlight the efforts to stop the rise in bullying. Each day someone is being bullied. It's not just young people, but older people as well. It is time to put a stop to the rising violence that has seized our world.
Crisis In Haiti
After a devastating earthquake, the desparation and need grows in the nation of Haiti.
Current State of Race Relations in America
What is the current state of race relations in America? Is America ready—despite the fact of having a Black President- for an honest discussion on race and how it affects our lives, and our nation.
Death In Our African-American Communities
Why have predominantly minority communities and poorer neighborhoods not received the media coverage and outcry for the senseless slayings of their minority children?
Dichotomy of Black Life and Politics
The Dichotomy of Black Life: concluding the discussion on the political dichotomy of black life. There are differences in all persons. These differences can, at times, dictate the paths in which we take in our lives as individuals, causing us to become united or divided; especially among class...
Divided We Fall...A Community Apart
How important the words are that we say to one another. We, as a people, have often been proud of our heritage and what we have accomplished. There are many that can see the difference in the times that we live in. Yet, there seems to be a rift in the Black community.
Do Not Forfeit Your Vote
Knowledge is power. But there is even more power when you apply the knowledge. Before you decide who will get your vote, or before you decide not to vote, because you are disillusioned; make every attempt to educate yourself on the issues,and what the candidates stands for.
Economic Crisis Linked to Increased Abuse?
Is there a link between the economic downspiral and the rise in abusive behavior? As the rise in unemployment continues, there has been a definite spike in the need for shelters for battered women and children. As well, a demand for addiction centers and counseling centers for young people.
Ferguson Keeps Race Relations in the Spotlight
The occurrence of yet another death of an unarmed Black person brings up feelings, thoughts, and concerns about the race relations in America. One only has to look at the numbers and the deaths to see the imbalance of things.
Genocide Through Gun Violence
Gun violence is ravishing many urban communities. An entire generation is being exterminated by their own hands. Unless something is done, there will be no future generation.
Going Green
You've heard people say it: "Go Green". But what does it all mean? How can "going green" help us individually and globally? It's not that hard to do your part, if you know what to do. Let 2009 be the year you go green.
Happy Memorial Day!
In celebration of Memorial Day, we give honor to our veterans and troops that willingly lay down their lives for each and every one us to enjoy and pursue the freedoms that we partake in. God Bless our troops, our veterans, and our families.
Has Much Changed For Black People In America?
Black In America. What has, if any, changed for black people in America? Has having a Black President made a difference; for better or for worse? How much of our fate is in our own hands, or in those we choose to lead us? What can we do to make things better?
History Is Made
History is made. America came together, electing Barack Obama, putting aside differences and fears, and formed a mighty fist that struck a blow to the old way of doing things. America announced to it´s people, and to the world-at-large, that we can accomplish more united than divided.
Issues Facing Black Communities
What are the greatest issues facing the Black community? Depending upon your experience and current situation, your answer may be different from the next person. The Black community continues to face certain issues that are having a profound affect upon communities and families as a whole.
It's a New Day
A three part look at the Inauguration of President Barack Obama. As much hope and expectations that exist for the 44th President, people are reminded that it is going to take time for things to change. We did not get into the state we are in overnight, and it’s not going to be changed overnight.
Last Minute Holiday Gift Ideas
Still trying to find a gift? Here are a few economical ideas for you to consider.
Michael Jackson, Loss of an Icon
Michael Joseph Jackson, dies at the age of 50 from cardiac arrest.
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. There are numerous organizations that are having events to support the victims of domestic violence and for its prevention. This month, we will take the time to focus on domestic violence, and what we can do to help stop the abuse.
Persuasive Politicking
Some might suggest that they have nothing to do with politics. However you make decisions or come to conclusions on how to live your life, you have entered the arena of politics. However one chooses to live their life, once you begin to put into motion those beliefs, you are now politicking.
Politically Correct or Politically Smart
Are you automatically politically smart if you are politically correct? Not necessarily. We can say all the right things to the right people, and still be politically ignorant to what is going on around us, and what is best for us.
Politically Correct Vs. Genuine Conversation
Too many people are walking on eggshells, afraid to offend someone or be ridiculed for asking an honest and sincere question. Somewhere along the line, we have become obsessed with saying the right thing and not “hurting” someone’s feeling, that we are forgetting the art of genuine conversation.
Poverty and Life in The Black Community
It is wonderful to see the success of many Black people. It can give hope to some, that there is the possibility for them to succeed, as well. However, obtaining it seems to be quite elusive for many in the Black community.
President Obama's Support of Same-Sex Marriage
Change is in the air and not too many are happy with those changes. President Obama went on record with his support of same-sex marriage. Many are wondering what impact this is going to have on his bid for re-election this November, if any.
Saving Our Communities
We have read all the statistics concerning life in the Black community. You do not need anyone to tell you that times are hard. Who is responsible for all that is going on? What can be done? Where do we begin to make a difference?
Seven Years Later...September 11th, Observed
The sting of September 11th continues to hurt and haunt many. Seven years later, and the frustration and pain of that day feels as if it happened yesterday...
Shadows in The African American Community
There is a heavy shadow over the Black Community. A shadow of the past. A shadow that will not leave until a light is shone so bright that eradicates what has been going on in the dark for far too long. A shadow hat holds the cries of those who have lost their lives unjustly.
Talking About Race In America
The talk of race in America is uncomfortable for many. However, not talking about it or evading the issues at hand does not alleviate it or make it disappear. Instead, it only festers and picks up legs and feet and begins to run amok; causing devastation in its wake.
The Healthcare Dichotomy of Black Life
It used to be that the poor were the only ones getting poorer. Now, unless you are in a chosen field where the prospectus for the job market in your occupation are favorable; you may be joining the ranks of those looking for a new career, or dreading the inevitable pink slip.
The 2009 Inauguration of Barack Obama
A three part look at the Inauguration of President Barack Obama.
As much hope and expectations that exist for the 44th President, people are reminded that it is going to take time for things to change. We did not get into the state we are in overnight, and it’s not going to be changed overnight.
The Continued Fight For Justice
In wake of the tragic death of seventeen year old Trayvon Martin, there has been a loud cry for justice. Protesters are banning together with the family of this slain 17 year old, and are crying out against the continued slayings and profiling of our black males. It's a continued fight for justice.
The Cost of a Black Presidency
For as many of us who cheered and reveled in this historic event in American history; there were many that jeered, and were consumed with fear and hostility. Although seen after the election, it has taken center stage during the past sixteen months, and is gaining steam with each day that passes.
The Cost of Being Black in America
There is a cost for being Black in America. The majority of the bill falls upon the shoulders of our Black sons and men. We must arm and educate our Black children; especially our sons, arming them with the knowledge of their rights and the laws of this land and how they can protect themselves.
The Employment Dichotomy of Black Life
There are choices in life. We are responsible for what we add to this world. Whether it is negative or positive. We have a responsibility to be aware of what is around us, and the kind of mark we leave after we are gone. This a continuing series, on the closer look at Black life...
The Ensuing Fight For Justice
In wake of the tragic death of seventeen year old Trayvon Martin, there has been a loud cry for justice. Protesters are banning together with the family of this slain 17 year old, and are crying out against the continued slayings and profiling of our black males. It's a continued fight for justice.
The Informed African American Voter
The informed African American voter can make a profound change this election season. Understanding the issues that are at hand, and how an elected official can either hinder or help you and your community is key to making the best voting choice. We have the power to make a profound change.
Truth Concerning African Americans and Welfare
Many candidates have been griping that African Americans are given too many handouts, and are in need of jobs and not welfare—making it seem as if there are more African Americans receiving welfare than any other ethnic group.
United States...A Divided People
Why does it take such tragedies to cause us to look at the state of our nation, and know that there is a deepening rift that needs to be addressed and healed, and not placated with a Band-Aid.
Violence Against Women Act Fails to Pass
Possibly affecting 30 million LGBT individuals, Native American women, and undocumented immigrants, House Republican leaders failed to advance the Senate's 2012 reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act.
We're in a Recession
Economists report that we have officially entered a time of recession. Although, many would say that we have been a s steady recession for the better part of 2008. As to date, we are in the worst economic state since The Great Depression.
Wise and Powerful Choices
We shouldn’t vote for someone because he is Black or because, someone is White. Voting is taking responsibility for what you want to see changed in your life. Your voice is important. And, what you do with it, affects the next four to eight years. We can make wise and powerful choices.
Your Vote Holds A Lot of Weight
The efforts to curtail and even stop voters from reaching the ballot boxes has stepped up. Tougher regulations and rules have been imposed that could potentially see millions of voters turned away come election day. Your vote holds a lot of weight and can pack a pretty hard punch this election.
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