A Little Summer Magic
Perfection, that´s what we expect from our cut flowers. With lilies, that´s what you get.
A Rose is a Rose
Roses remain one of the most popular cut flowers. This is true year-round even during the summer months when we have lots of other cut flowers available from our cutting gardens. Every floral designer should have a few rose bushes.
A Touch of Sunshine
Let the sun shine in. Create a lovely sunflower bouquet for the patio or deck. Sunflowers are happy blooms. Their gladness is contagious.
Anemones as Cut Flowers
There are several species or types of bulbs that are known as anemones, and all of these make great cut flowers.
Annuals for the Cutting Garden
Annuals are perfect for cutting gardens. They´ll provide flowers throughout the summer.
Arizona Sun Blanket Flower-a Winning Cut Flower
When it comes to choosing plants for your cutting garden, you´ll never go wrong when you choose All-America Selections winners. Of the 2005 winners, two are excellent cut flowers.
Award Winning Cutting Garden Varieties
If you´re looking for cut flower varieties for the cutting garden, do consider these classic award winners.
Award Winning Black Eyed Susans
Some of the black eyed susans varieties received special attention at 2009 plant trials.
Award Winning Blanket Flowers
A number of the blanket flowers received top honors. These make great cut flowers.
Award Winning Cleomes and Other Cut Flowers
When it comes to choosing cut flowers there are more choices than ever. Here are some award winning varieties.
Award Winning Cut Flowers
Plant trials were held around the country in 2009. SOme cut flower varieties were stars.
Award Winning Flowers
When choosing flower varieties for the cutting garden, it is hard to beat these award winners.
Award Winning Globe Amaranths
Several of the globe amaranth varieties received awards during plant trials.
Award Winning Millet and Other Cut Flowers
When choosing plants for cut flower gardens, consider these award winning millets and others.
Award Winning Roses for 2005
Each year, the All-American Rose Selections announces the winners of its rose competitions. The plants are judged on fifteen criteria, and are grown in test gardens throughout the country for several years. All of these winners make excellent cut flowers.
Award Winning Roses for Cutting Gardens
The colder months can be a trying time for rose lovers as the plants in our gardens are dormant this time of the year. We can daydream of the summer past when these were in full bloom. Daydreaming is fine, but it can get boring. To help pass the time until we can be back out in our cutting gardens,
Award Winning Woody Cut Flowers
A number of award winning shrubs are suitable for floral design. Here are details on some of those.
Baby's Breath in the Cutting Garden
Of all the blossoms commonly used for cut flowers, baby´s breath is perhaps hte most popular. The tiny, white, misty blooms seem to cover the stems, adding an airy look to floral designs. These can be grown in the cutting garden.
Bamboo in Floral Design
Just something a little different. Sometimes, that´s what we have in mind when we´re looking for floral materials. Bamboo is just the thing. These versatile plants can serve many roles in floral design.
Black-eyed Susans in the Cutting Garden
When choosing perennials for the cutting garden, we often prefer those that are hardy and low maintenance. The black-eyed Susans are an excellent choice. These stems are perfect for late summer bouquets.
Caladiums as Floral Greens
All sorts of foliage add beauty to floral arrangements. They fill various roles, such as adding mass to designs. Depending on the type chosen, they can also provide color, texture, and contrast. One of my favorite greens during the summer months happens to be the caladium.
Celosias and Other Award Winners
Celosias and other award winners are great choices for the cutting garden.
Choosing and Caring for Your Poinsettia
What is your favorite color? These days you can get almost any color poinsettia you want. Whatever color you choose, the following will serve you well.
Cornelian Cherry as a Seasonal Floral
Spring or fall, take your pick. The Cornelian cherry is a wonderful seasonal material for floral arrangements.
Curly Willow Stems in Floral Design
If I could only grow one shrub for use in floral arrangements, I know exactly what that would be--the curly willow.
Dahl;ias are the quintessential cut flower for summer. tehse blooms always seem to look their very best.
Dahlia Karma Naomi as Cut Flower
Dahlia Karma Naomi has been chosen as Cut Flower of the YEar for 2010 by the Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers.
Disease Resistant Roses for the Cutting Garden
The easiest roses to grow are disease resistant varieties. For the cutting garden, I recommend the following roses.
Dutch Irises as a Seasonal Floral
The Dutch irises may not be as popular as the other spring flowering bulbs like daffodils and tulips. However, these have a place as a seasonal floral. They typically bloom earlier than the English iris.
Everybody Loves a Winner
For long-lasting flowers, choose these award-winning varieties of cut flowers and everlastings.
Evolution Sage-A New Cut Flower
Those looking for new kinds of cut flowers are going to love Evolution Salvia farinacea. This was named a 2006 All America Selections Flower Award winner. It can be used as a cut flower, and as an everlasting.
Exciting Perennials for the Cutting Garden
There are any number of fine perennials for the cutting garden. Here are some new exciting 2010 varieties.
Tall, spiky gladiolus are a favorite for cut flowers. They´re often used in summer bouquets, but they are available year-round as well.
Gorgeous Viburnums for Cut Flowers
A number of the viburnums make outstanding cut flowers. Here are some that are highly recommended for their flowers or fruits.
Gossamer Beauties
Don´t let the gossamer petals fool you. Peonies have everything you would want from a cut flower.
Grape Hyacinths as Cut Flowers
Grape hyacinths are lovely spring flowers that are perfect for cutting.
Growing Gourds for Floral Designs
For those with lots of space for cutting gardens, gourds are a wonderful alternative to traditional cut flowers.
Growing Statice in the Cutting Garden
For both fresh and dried floral designs, statice is often considered a staple. It is possible to grow different kinds of statice in the cutting garden.
Heaths and Heathers for Floral Design
It is true that there are many kinds of cut flowers available in the spring and summer months. However, the fall and winter offer some delightful blooms as well. The winter blooming heaths and heathers are an example.
Hellebores and Coralbells
Among the most spectacular of the flowering perennials, the hellebores and coralbells have much to offer as cut flowers.
Herbs as Cut Flowers
Lavender, the most beautiful of herbs, makes a wonderful cut flower. So do many of the other herbs.
Kousa Dogwood Fruits as a Floral
When it comes to the fruits of fall, the dogwoods aren´t likely to be the first ones that come to mind.
Lavender as a Cut Flower
Lavender is one of the most populr herbs. It also makes a delightful cut flower.
Lewis and Clark Plants for Floral Design
Celebrate the bicentennial of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Some of the plants they discovered are just great for floral design.
Magellan Coral Zinnia
I got a sneak preview of the 2005 All-America Selections winners. Of the three winning flowers, the Magellan Coral zinnia is an absolutely outstanding cut flower.
Medlar Fruits for Floral Design
Fall brings many kinds of fruits we can use for flroal designs. Among these is the stunning medlar.
More Summer Blooming Perennials as Cut Flowers
An abundance of cut flowers are available during the summer months, including some species typically grown in perennial beds and borders. Here are a few.
My Cutting Garden Report for 2006
All in all, my cutting garden did okay this summer. However, with the persistent dry conditions here in western North Carolina, I did have to water on a pretty regular basis.
New All America Selections Winners for Cut Flowers
All America Selections has announced its 2006 winners. Among the six flower winners are several that make great cut flowers.
New Baby's Breath and Other Cut Flowers
Each year new cut flowers are introduced. Some are suitable for cutting gardens, including the following.
New Cool Season Flowers for the Cutting Garden
For 2007, a number of new plants wilil make an appearance with some of these being suitable for growing in the cutting garden during the cooler months of spring and fall. Among these are the following.
New Cosmos For Cut Flowers
Cosmos is a favorite for summer floral arrangements. Several new varieties are available in 2010.
New Cut Flowers for 2007
When planning your cutting garden for the 2007 growing season, do save room for these new varieties.
New Cut Flowers for 2010
Each year brings a delightful new crop of cut flowers. Here are highlights for some of those new varieties.
New Flowers for the Cutting Garden
Whatever other New Year´s resolutions you make, do try some of the wonderful new varieties of cut flowers that are available for 2006. All of the varieties described below can easily be grown from seed, and are perfect for cutting gardens.
New Lisianthus
The lisianthus or eustomas are a favorite cut flower. For 2010, you'll find any number of new kinds available.
New Perennial Cut Flowers for 2007
For 2007, a number of new perennials will be available with some of these being suitable as cut flowers.
New Roses for 2005
Though Christmas is barely over, garden centers and nurseries are hard at work planning for next year. For 2005, a number of delightful new roses are being introduced.
New Roses for 2005
Though Christmas is barely over, garden centers and nurseries are hard at work planning for 2005. A number of delightful new roses are being introduced this year.
New Roses for Cutting Gardens
By growing your own roses, you´ll have plenty of stems for cutting. Some of the new 2009 rose varieties are especially suitable for cutting gardens.
New Roses Win Top Honors
The All-America Rose Selections has announced the winners for 2004. All of the three different award-winning varieties make great cut flowers.
New Shrubs for Cut Flowers
A number of shrubs have stems that can be used as cut flowers. Here are some new varieties to consider.
New Snapdragons for Cut Flowers
Snapdragons are one of the much-loved cut flowers. For 2010 there are a number of new varieties available.
New Summer Bulbs for Cutting Gardens
Gladiolus and other summer bulbs are great additions to cutting gardens.
New Sunflowers for 2010
Summers would surely be dull without sunflowers. In 2010 you'll find some great new varieties that are suitable for cut flowers.
New Sunflowers for Cutting Gardens in 2007
For 2007, a number of new sunflower varieties are being introduced. Some of these are suitable as cut flowers.
New Zinnias for 2010
Zinnias are an ideal cut flower for summer bouquets. For 2010 there are some great new varietie that are tall enough for cut flowers.
Ornamental Onions for Cut Flowers
A number of the taller flowering or ornamental onions are used for cut flowers and everlastings.
Peonies and Tulips for Cut Flowers
In 2010 there are numerous new bulbs that are suitable for cutting gardens. The following varieties make great cut flowers.
Planning the Cutting Garden
Step out the door and harvest your own cut flowers. A cutting garden makes this possible.
Plant Some Spring Bulbs for Cut Flowers
Fall is for planting. In most areas of the U.S., there is still time to plant some spring flowering bulbs for cut flowers.
Purple Coneflower in the Cutting Garden
Purple coneflower continues to be one of the most popular cut flowers. It is just perfect for late summer bouquets.
Right Rose Right Place Book Review
This book is a must have for anyone who grows roses, particularly those wishing to grow their own cut roses.
Rose Hips-the Best Floral Around
Flowers, flowers everywhere. Yes, blossoms are gorgeous, but there are many other florals we can use. Take fruits, for example. These are sometimes neglected. Rose hips are an excellent floral.
Roses-Queen of the Flowers
A bright cheerful sunny morning is made more perfect by the roses of summer. Doubtless, roses are the Queen of the Flowers.
Rudbeckias and Penstemons for Cut Flowers
There are more choices than ever when it comes to choosing cut flowers. Here are several new recommended varieties.
Scented Sensations
It´s lilac time. That unmistakable fragrance is in the air. But lilac isn´t the only scented spring-blooming cut flower.
Shasta Daisy
Shasta daisies are everything you would expect in a cut flower. This perky bloom is one of the most popular daisies. The ultra-white petals offset the vivid yellow center.
Snow Ball Viburnums Cut Flower of the Year
For 2010 the Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers selected the snowball viburnums as the woody cut flower of the year.
Some Bulbs for Cut Flower Gardens
For 2010 a number of new bulbs will be available for cutting gardens. These include the following varieties.
Some Classic Award Winning Cut Flowers
In the past a number of flowers have been named Cut Flower of the Year. Here is a look at some of those classic varieties.
Some Cut Flowers for Late Spring and Summer
During the late spring and early summer, many perennials are in bloom. Some of these like the ones below make great cut flowers.
Some Exotic Cut Flowers
In addition to the commonly used cut flowers, there are some exotic ones worth considering.
Some Irises for Cut Flowers
Spring is a delightful time of year with many kinds of flowers available, including irises.
Some New Coreopsis for Cut Flowers
Each year brings all kinds of new flowers, some of which are suitable for floral design. The following varieties are especially suitable for cutting gardens.
Some New Perennials for Cut Flowers
It's true that many cut flowers are annuals. However, there are lots of perennials that are also suitable.
Some Perennial Daisies for Cut Flowers
While many daisies are annuals, there are some excellent perennial ones as well. Here are just a few that make great cut flowers.
Some Perennials for Cut Flowers
Our perennial beds and borders offer many kinds of stems that we can use as cut flowers.
Some Snowball Viburnums
Quite a few of the viburnums can be used as cut flowers. Here are some especially lovely snowball types and others.
Statice and Stocks for 2010
The statice and stocks are mainstays both as a fresh flower and as an everlasting. There are a number of newer varieties. These are grown as an annual in the cutting garden.
Summer Blooming Perennials as Cut Flowers
During the summer months, our perennial beds are typically in full bloom with many of these stems being suitable for cut flowers. Here are some of the best ones.
The Calla Lily
Jewels of summer. That describes the calla lily. These elegant flowers are so chic.
The Quince
For fall and winter, the quince is a delightful fruit for adding to floral designs.
The Role of Foliage in Floral Design
When we think of cut flowers, the thing that immediatly comes to mind is cut stems. Yet, foliage is just as important in its own way.
The Romance of the Tulip
Tulips are the ideal cut flower for spring. Pastel tulips evoke the freshness of the season. With over 500 varieties, you´re sure to find just the color you need.
The Story of the Poinsettia
Poinsettias are part of the holiday tradition. But this wasn´t always true. How did this beautiful plant come to be so important?
The Strawberry Tree
If you're looking for unusual fruits to use in floral arrangements, consider those of the strawberry tree.
Wild Cuts
National Wildflower Week is May 4-10. Go wild with a bouquet of wildflowers. These plants make excellent cut flowers.
Zinnias for the Cutting Garden
Zinnias are an old-fashioned flower with winning ways. Their long vase life puts them well above the competition.
Zinnias for the Cutting Garden
It isn´t too late to begin planning your cutting garden for the 2004 season. Do include a row of zinnias. These quick blooming annuals are easy to grow.
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