All Those Matters of the Heart

All About Hearts
The Heart is probably the most talked about and focused on part of the human body. Its been portrayed as a Broken Heart, a Happy Heart, a Foolish Heart, a Cheating Heart, a Beating Heart, a Shattered Heart, a Bleeding Heart, a Still Heart, etc. For now let's allow it to be a Light-Hearted Heart!
All Kinds of Love
It goes without saying that there all kinds of love. There’s New Love, Blue Love, Real True Love, and I never loved you love. When you’re looking for romantic love it’s important to realize that Love can be complicated. New Love can turn into Blue Love, Real True Love or I Never Loved You Love...
Are You in Love With Being In Love?
There are many emotions involved in relationships between two people - not only love; but love seems to get all of the attention most of the time. Do you love me? Why don’t you tell me you love me? Will he run if I use the L word? Are you sure you love him or are you in love with being IN LOVE?
Bad Relationship - Lost Love – Found Time
So the loser is out of your life. It doesn’t matter how it ended - it ended. You’re sad, mad, and bored. The drama of a bad relationship is a big time waster so it stole your time. Stop looking at what you’ve lost, a loser who has been wasting your time and look at what you’ve gained – TIME.
Building Enduring Love
Everything about love is a matter of the heart. It’s easy to desire, hard to understand, and generally sad to lose. This is true of passionate whirlwind romantic love, but also of love that evolves over years. So why do some relationships flourish and develop into enduring love while others fail?
Can you be logical with illogical people?
Can you be logical with illogical people? Can you make them see things your way? Should you try? Sometimes you can make progress ...; but sometimes you’re just fighting a losing battle, and often they make us so exasperated that we just want to tell them to “Go Fly A Kite”
Cheaters, Liars, Monsters You May Know
Do you know a Cheating Monster? It seems there is an Epidemic of Cheating In Progress. Cheating Monsters are men who claim they are in committed relationships until they choose to pretend they’re not and women who think that it’s perfectly acceptable to hit on someone else's boyfriend or husband.
Chocolate Chip Cookies – A Love Hate Relationship
So you’ve had a bad day and you don’t know what you can possibly do to make that bad day disappear from your mind. Suddenly you know – you decide to have a chocolate chip cookie, but just one chocolate chip cookie; but which one? Cookies are a lot like relationships you have choices.
Coldhearted And As Cold As Ice?
Can you or someone you know be referred to as coldhearted with a heart as cold as ice? How can you tell if someone is coldhearted like the Care Bears Villain appropriately named Coldheart? Do cold hands mean you have a warm heart? How can you tell if someone you care about is a coldhearted fool?
Emotional Baggage and Hoarding : Use It To Heal
What do Emotional Relationship Baggage and Hoarding have in Common? They are both problems that may have a similar solution – Use It (to learn from and heal) And Lose It Fast! Move on with your life with a new resolve to never allow yourself to be burdened with the leftovers from your past again.
Fairytales and Happily Ever After
So do you want the Fairytale; or do you want Happily Ever After. These two concepts are often used to refer to the state of having a wonderful existence forever and ever. They are often used interchangeably but are they the same? I don't think so!
Give Yourself a Valentine
So, when you think about all the people you love that you want to acknowledge with a special Valentine, do you include yourself? If you aren’t on your list of people that you love, you should be. When it comes to Matters of the Heart Valentines are on the top of the list!
Happily Ever After
I believe that it’s safe to say that there are an astronomical number of people looking for that special someone to love. People are looking for eternal love, endless love, and everlasting love - they want to be in love forever. I like to refer to the process as the search for Happily Ever After.
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
Are you familiar with the game played with the petals of a Daisy? As you pull each petal off of it you say he (or she) loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not. It’s a cute game but its not a very accurate way to decide if the person you love loves you. So how do you figure it out?
Hope And Optimism - A Phoenix Rising
Some people might think that being a blind optimist is a foolish way to behave. I however, disagree. Hope is fueled by blind optimism and Hope is a powerful driving force in the lives of individuals and in the world. How’s your relationship with HOPE and OPTIMISM?
Law of Attraction for Relationships
Attraction is only one part of a relationship. I know a man who married the same woman 3 times. I guess he thought that 3’s a charm, as the saying goes. It wasn’t! After his third divorce I asked him what possessed him to think that it would work the second or the third time. Attraction...?
Looking for Normal - WYSIWYG - Or Is It?
What you see is what you get. Is it? So you see this hot looking guy or girl and think wow,that's the whole package! But is it? Is arrogance a part of the package? And if someone says they're looking for normal in a partner - are they? Arrogant man seeks normal woman - really? Why? As a fan?
Once Upon A Time - The Story Of Your Life
Once upon a time you were born and the story of your life began. It didn’t have a plot or highlights or low spots, laughter, tears, bad decisions or good choices. It just had a beginning - a once upon a time beginning - followed by a to-be-continued. It also had an author to write it – YOU.
Playing the Game of Love
We have often heard love described as a game. It’s described that way in songs, articles, books, etc. Unfortunately, even though it should be an honest interaction between two people, sometimes it really is more like a game being played by two people than a relationship being shared.
Priority or Afterthought…? Which One Are You?
It’s a safe assumption that most people like to have a priority position in the lives of people they believe they are involved with in a significant way. That being said it raises a question in my mind. Why do so many people allow others to treat them as if they were just afterthoughts?
Procrastination - Missed Opportunities
Procrastination is a funny thing that’s sometimes not too funny. If you procrastinate too long, if you wait too long, it might just be too late to say or do something important that you really wanted to do that might change your outlook on life, or the course of your life.
Real Friends - Relationships to Cherish
Much has been written about friends and friendship. True friendship is a special bond or connection. Relationships with Real Friends should be cherished. Real Friends are like the riders of old of the Pony Express and US mail carriers - nothing stopped them from getting there when needed.
Relationship Breakups
Some relationships just aren’t meant to be. Sad but true. Some couples don’t belong together and some friendships are flawed in some way and they may eventually fizzle out. Breaking up is hard to do but holding on to something that is gone may be even harder. How does the person left behind cope?
Relationship Ends – Healing Begins
When a relationship ends badly sometimes it’s hard to imagine that it ever really existed and often you wonder if you ever knew the person you were involved with in that relationship. Your mind goes over and over details and facts and you try to make sense of what happened and how to begin healing.
Relationship Games People Play
There are many kinds of games that people play - Board Games, Computer Games, Team Sports, and of course Relationship Games. Games are supposed to be challenging and fun – win, lose or draw. Unfortunately, that's not always the case, even in relationships games.
Relationship Ghosts - Haunted By Someone?
Are you haunted by someone? Do you have someone stuck in your mind that you just can’t let go of who is bad for you? Or do you keep thinking about someone from a past relationship that ended? In some ways these scenarios are like being haunted by a ghost. Only you can end the haunting of your mind.
Relationships Are Not Easy
Believe it or not, all relationships have hurdles to jump or handle and hoops to jump through. Even very good relationships have obstacles in the path of living a happy life together. Why? Well, because Relationships Are Not Easy. So is it worth the hurdles and hoops? Is it worth having?
Release The Butterflies Please
There should be a law that deals with the people who murder all the butterflies that people think they feel in their stomachs when they think they are in love. Then they find out that the person they loved was a fraud and butterflies are murdered. Butterflies may soon be an Endangered Species!
Roses Have Thorns – So Do Some People!
A rose is a beautiful thing. It has a wonderful fragrance and beautiful colored petals. Yet everyone knows that if you’re not careful when you pick a rose you can get pricked by a thorn. Looks can be deceiving. Choosing who you spend time with can be a lot like picking flowers.
Serial Liars - Repeater Cheaters
Has lying become so much a part of our culture that people don’t realize that it’s still not acceptable behavior? Serial Liar isn’t a title that one should aspire to own. Yet telling lies, fibs, etc. has become so prevalent there's even a TV series on how to recognize liars like Repeater Cheaters.
Stupid Cupid
I think that maybe it’s time for Cupid to go and get some archery lessons. Obviously Cupid’s aim is off or Cupid is just stupid. Does his arrow just miss sometimes or is he a practical joker? Is Cupid just stupid? Let's do some analysis before we determine the verdict in this matter of the heart.
Taking A Chance On Being In Love
Being in Love is a noteworthy Matter of the Heart that is certainly worth mentioning. The question is however, is Being In Love worth Taking A Chance on getting your heart broken. You just can´t pay too much attention to Matters of the Heart now can you?
Talk About Love
Love is a small word but its power packed full of meaning. Who do you love? significant other, family, pets, and so on. Love is the topic of books, songs, cards, movies, conversations, behavior, and the central theme of the Valentines Day Holiday. Love tops the list of Matters of the Heart.
The Heart Wants What the Heart Wants; Brain Sez?
Many of us have heard the saying that “the heart wants what the heart wants”, but what does that mean; and shouldn’t the brain have something to say about it too? After all the heart is like an engine in your body but the brain is like a computer. So what does the brain have to say?
True Colors Shining Through...
Each of us is the sum of many colors, our true colors that lie below the surface that we don’t allow others to see. They are hidden there, both our darkest and our lightest and brightest colors, ready to come shining through. They are the colors that show who we really are when they break through.
Unforgivable Behavior
It is said that to err is human, to forgive is divine. That’s an interesting concept and a very open minded way to behave but I’m not sure that it’s always logical. It seems like these days there are just some things that people do to each other that are unforgivable. Are you the culprit or victim?
Waiting For That Guy You Fell In Love With?
Are you waiting for that guy that you fell in love with to return? I know what you’re thinking - he’s sitting right there in front of you. But is he the guy you fell in love with; or was that guy just a fraud that disappeared and left you with this guy – a poor carbon copy - a doppelganger?
What Becomes Of The Broken Hearted?
Why do some people end up broken hearted and what becomes of them? Are you one of them and if so why and what do you do about it? It’s an overwhelming sad question. Are you wearing a sign that says, here I am, come break my heart or do you send invisible signals that make you a target?
When Is Sorry Just A Word?
When is Sorry just a word? It’s not a cut and dry issue. We have been taught that “to err is human and to forgive is divine.” But is there any guidance as to how many times we should forgive and be divine before that becomes a nonsensical unrealistic statement; and when should we forgive and forget?
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