
Patricia Villani, MPA, PhD

We often think that we should have a great voice to sing, even when we are home by ourselves. Many of us don’t realize the huge benefits of singing or we might consider signing up for lessons, joining a choir, or singing to our favorite CD today! Read all about it here.

Patricia Villani, MPA, PhD

As we age, there can be a number of reasons why our balance isn’t what it used to be. We need to test it and improve our equilibrium to avoid falls. Learn how to do both here!

Patricia Villani, MPA, PhD

As we age, we may worry more about the future; our health; finances; and more. But excessive, chronic worrying is anything but good for us. Learn here how to fight this syndrome that can cause mental health disorders and negatively affect our overall health.

Patricia Villani, MPA, PhD

Although flatulence has been used as a joke-maker especially with the younger set, those of us who have experienced problems with excess gas know it isn’t funny at all. Learn here about tips made by researchers for dealing with intestinal gas.

Patricia Villani, MPA, PhD

Most of us don’t worry about our health issues as they pertain to the environment with few exceptions, e.g., high pollution or pollen levels. But there are actions we can take as responsible individuals that will affect our health as well as improving the environment. Take a look!